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I am

reaxor.s.mercer. 15/07/94

im in love


I was

April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 March 2009 August 2009 March 2010

They are:

2E3 Class Blog
Keng Teng
Li Hui
Min You
Pei Xuan
Wee Theng
Xin Yi

Artwork By: Kurt Halsey
Tuesday 9 March 2010

hi im back :)
lets give an repcap....i have been with u for 1 year + 2months + 10 days +++
in months is 14months + 10 days +++
in days is 435 days +++
in hrs its 10440 hours +++
in mins its 6264000 mins +++
in seconds its 37584000 seconds +++

defiently its a very very very long time. thru the 37584000 seconds i have learnt alot.

Why do i like to do send u home?
cause i wan to be with u alittle longer and make sure u are safe.

Why do i sms morning once i wake up?
cause i wan u to be the first person to talk to.

Why do i wan to hold ur hands?
cause i dun wan u to go.

why do i hug u so tightly.
cause i scared that this will be our last hug.

why do i kiss u?
cause i wan u to noe that i love u more than words.

why do i always wait for u to sleep first before i do?
Cause i wan u to sleep peacefully before i do.

why do love teaching u a maths or e maths?
Cause i love to c u smile when u solve the question.

why do i always look at your face when we are on the bus?
cause i like to see how beautiful ur eyes are.

why do i alway poke u?
cause i wan u to noe tat u are not fat.

why do i always say i love u?
cause i wan u to noe thr is no one who can replace my love for u.

why do i buy u a necklace as ur first gift?
cause when u look down u will c the heart that is lock to the chain.

why do i get jealous?
cause im afraid u will fall for another person.

why do i always buy u stuff tat u wan?
cause i want to be the one who u ask for if u need me to help u.

why do i always carry ur bag?
Cause i dun wan u to feel the stress of school on ur shoulders.

why do we quarral?
cause i want u to understand me better.

why don't i let u noe if im sad?
cause i dun wan u to be sad with me.

why do i wan to share ur sorrow?
cause i wan to noe your pain.

why do i wan to hold ur waist?
cause i wan u to be by my side.

why do i always sit straight with u?
cause u will have a shoulder to lean on.

why do i love u?
cause u are the special girl who i will always remember from the rest.

... but still... things are not as easy to explain in words cause the bottom line is actions speak louder than words. u can always say nth but inside ur heart i noe that there is something so wats the point of hiding away frm me?

Once someone i know told me this. The world is so big however why do u wan to hold on? i answered. "Cause if u let go now, u forgot why have u been holding on so long. She is someone special, someone who stands out the from rest."
Yes i agree sometimes if u noe the pains is killing u, u should jus release. but i always say if u it hurts the first place y hold it? cause u wan to share the pain that people dun dare to. After the storm, the rainbow will shine isnt it.

i know we are having difficult time but i will endure, forgive and forget. hopefully i can c the rainbow.

the total time i loved u is actually. 2 years + 1 months + 4days +++ (5th feb 2008)
months is 25months and 4 days
days is 764days +++
hours is 18336 hours +++
mins is 1100160mins +++
seconds is 66009600 secs +++

(+++ means still counting)

(u cannot force love but u can wait, endure, forgive and do anything for love.)

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Let music say what i am feeling now.....]

My Chemical Romance - Helena

Long ago
Just like the hearse you died to get in again
We are so far from you

Burning on just like a match you strike to incinerate
The lives of everyone you know
And what's the worst you take (worst you take)
from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I've been holding on tonight

What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I state
So long and goodnight
So long not goodnight

Came a time
When every star fall brought you to tears again
We are the very hurt you sold
And what's the worst you take (worst you take)
from every heart you break (heart you break)
And like the blade you stain (blade you stain)
Well I've been holding on tonight

What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I state
So long and goodnight
So long not goodnight
And if you carry on this way
Things are better if I state
So long and goodnight
So long not goodnight

Can you hear me?
Are you near me?
Can we pretend to leave and then
We'll meet again
When both our cars collide?

What's the worst that I can say?
Things are better if I state
So long and goodnight
So long not goodnight
Well if you carry on this way
Things are better if I stay
So long and goodnight
So long not goodnight

My chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay

Well if you wanted honesty, that's all you had to say.
I never want to let you down or have you go, it's better off this way.
For all the dirty looks, the photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out

What will it take to show you that it's not the life it seems?
(I'm not okay)
I've told you time and time again you sing the words but don't know what it means
(I'm not okay)
To be a joke and look, another line without a hook
I held you close as we both shook for the last time take a good hard look!

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay
You wear me out

Forget about the dirty looks
The photographs your boyfriend took
You said you read me like a book, but the pages all are torn and frayed

I'm okay
I'm okay!
I'm okay, now
(I'm okay, now)

But you really need to listen to me
Because I'm telling you the truth
I mean this, I'm okay!
(Trust Me)

I'm not okay
I'm not okay
Well, I'm not okay
I'm not o-fucking-kay
I'm not okay
I'm not okay

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Im jus here to make a quick post and im gone. im really sry for the fucking super late post cause i was really fucked up frm then onwards until now i am still fucked up. I'm seriously tired of chasing man, very time i go faster u run even faster and i really need to stop and i dun care if the string really break cause im really fucking tired i cant carry on unless u turn and come back. save me.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Thursday 19 March 2009

Ladies and gentleman i apologize for not posting for so long... was thinking bout how my greatest fear will affect me and alot bout my behaviour and physiological thoughts...

I just came back frm spec course and i seriously learn alot thr... i owe this all to my PC(platoon commander)Arthur and my APC(asst platoon commander) Aaroon... Wat i learnt is not bout drills or commands but to gain respect and show respect and how important TRUST really is...

Arthur sir taught me tat wateva rank or position u get is not important but respect... rank and position only notified others who u r and wat u r capable... respect is till most important... When i was in Platoon one i didnt really talk much to my platoon mates(weird isnt it???) ya really i didnt talk... but days past i noe tat if u dun talk to them interact with them the trust and respect izzt thr... simple things lik fall in we took too long. Why? i didnt trust my IC i didnt trust MY mates I dun wanna cooperate cause my aim was too be a high ranking cadet which means 2nd sgt and by doing so i need to be a gilak(Very on) person so dun talk la...
but then Arthur sir said... "ladies and gentleman listen up. U attend this course to be REAL SPECS not because of ranking. even ur ranking is high u dun get the respect no point! they wont trust u and wont listen to u but only look up to ur rank" then i suddenly remembered wat Johnathan sir said "make ppl respect u! not ur rank" then fine i noe wat i was suppose to do... back to room i started chatting with my mates suddenly i feel i was bonded with them, we share the same goals, dreams and jokes soon after we trusted each other they trusted wat i told them to do and i trusted them for wat they did and guess wat the whole platoon bonded... we kanna scolding together protect each other and respect each other with is a super nice feeling... Wat soo nice bout it is WE ARE ALL SAME RANK, FIGHTING FOR 2ND SGT YET WE TURNED TO FRIENDS AND EVENTUALLY ALL MY TRUST WAS IN THEM... And the last day we recorded all and i mean ALL the contacts of each other... YES I ADMIT WE MIGHT NOT BE THE BEST PLATOON BUT WE ARE PLATOON 1 AND THE STRONG PLATOON 1!!!

~now i understand how u feel~

My greatest fear is who i hate most and im afraid as in FUCKING SHIT ASS AFRAID!!! i really dun wan it to happened!!! if i really turn to him i will left alone...

We take sour sips from life's lush lips
And we shake, shake, shake the hips in relationships
Stomp out this disaster town
You'll put your eyes to the sun and say, "I know
you're only blinding to keep back what the clouds are hiding."

And we might've started singing just a little soon
We're throwing stones at a glass moon*

Whoa oh, we're so miserable and stunning
Whoa oh, love songs for the genuinely cunning, whoa-oh

We keep the beat with your blistered feet
And we bullet the words at the mockingbirds singing
Slept through the weekend and dreaming
Of sinking with the melody of the cliffs of eternity
Got postcards from my former selves saying: "How've you been?"

We might've said goodbyes just a little soon
(Stomp out this disaster town)
Robbing lips, kissing banks under this moon

Whoa oh, we're so miserable and stunning
Whoa oh, love songs for the genuinely cunning
Whoa oh, we're so miserable and stunning
Whoa oh, love songs for the genuinely cunning, ohh…

It was ice cream headaches and sweet avalanche
When the pearls in our shells got up to dance
You call me a bad tipper of the cradle
Tired yawns for fawns on hunter's lawns
We're the has-beens of husbands
Sharpening the knives of young wives
Take two years and call me when you're better
Take teardrops of mine, find yourself wetter

Whoa oh, we're so miserable and stunning
Whoa oh, love songs for the genuinely cunning
Whoa oh, we're so miserable and stunning
Whoa oh, love songs for the genuinely cunning

fall out boys - The Carpal Tunnel Of Love

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Saturday 17 January 2009


hi guys... sry tat i didnt post for so long didnt had the time

well its a new yr and i jus hope tat every one's New year wishes will come...
as for me I have 4 new year wishes
. Make Chong Boon Sec NCC unit to be outstanding
. Be a Better Bf for Eunice :X
. Hope tat I get at least a B3 for all my subjects
. Keep my friends United

subject teacher are ok at least i dun c any idiotic teacher
I love Chem and A math
I hate Chinese(as usual :P)

NCC has go through lots of happiness and sorrow together... we made our first CBSS PDS unit in Cbss.... we also made a performance for CCA open hse and it was a success!

I really dun noe about tat but i do noe tat i lik to punch the wall :P
I lik to disturb ppl
and my new motto is "Life Is Too Short Too Die Without Achievements"
Cars are still my favourite

I still love racing.... I still Love mature games(NOT PORN)....

OK i thing tats about all dun wish to tell so much trash....

[ one word 'tired'......]

Saturday, January 17, 2009